
Post-Admission Support

Visa and Documentation Support

Admission Assistance

Expert Guidance

Introducing Scholars Travels – Your Affordable Gateway to Global Education!

At Scholars Travels, we believe that studying abroad should be an accessible dream for every student. Founded by a group of passionate individuals currently pursuing their education in Italy, our consultancy stands as a beacon of affordable opportunities for aspiring students in Ethiopia. Our Mission: We are on a mission to break down financial barriers and provide students with the chance to explore the world through education. Committed to making international study experiences within reach, we strive to be the go-to consultancy for those seeking quality education at a fraction of the cost. What Sets Us Apart: What makes Scholars Travels unique is our dedication to being the most affordable consulting agency in Ethiopia. We understand the financial challenges many students face, and we are here to bridge the gap. Our team, comprised of individuals who have navigated the intricate process of studying abroad, brings firsthand experience and empathy to guide you through the journey. In the academic year 2023/24, we are proud to have assisted many students in realizing their dreams of studying abroad. These success stories stand as a testament to our commitment and effectiveness in simplifying the application process, reducing costs, and making global education a reality for many. And we are now welcoming students for the 2024/25 academic year. Embark on your journey with Scholars Travels – where affordability meets opportunity, and dreams take flight. Study abroad without the financial strain, and let us be your partners in education.

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